Gardening with Ciscoe->Contact
Gardening with Ciscoe-Contact
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Schedule an Appearance or Booksigning

I often give garden presentations at nurseries, home shows, retirement communities, and more. Lately, I have been doing an increasing amount of virtual garden talks via zoom. When weather permits, I zoom straight from my garden. If you would like to schedule a talk, please contact Mary at

My new book came out in early 2020. For book signings (by themselves or with an appearance), see my books page.


If you need a picture for publicity purposes, please contact Mary at

Contact Ciscoe

My email address is

(don't forget the "e" in ciscoe)

I try to answer as many emails as possible. Because of the volume of questions, I can't answer them all but if I do reply to you, be assured that it is from me. You might find your answer in my new Plants or Videos sections.

About Ciscoe

There is a brief blurb about me on my home page. Here is a bio that you can use for promotional materials and finally, a cv-type bio if you are curious about me.